FACE Foundation

- Supporting French-American Cultural Exchange in Education and the Arts


Useful links to authentic resources in French

These sites offer guidelines for the teaching of Heritage Languages, the latest research articles, information about Heritage Language Programs across the United States, and links to major resource centers (all websites in ENGLISH).

These websites support French teachers by providing teaching methods, ready-to-use materials, studies on various pedagogical topics, francophone educational news, etc. 

  • American Association of Teachers of French Resources
    • Comprehensive collection of pedagogical resources.
  • American Association of Teachers of French : Games and Activities
    • Interactive games and activities that allow children to engage with each other in French.
  • BayaM
    • Educational application for children ages 3 to 10.
  • La boîte à outils pédagogiques de la FIPF
    • Website supported by the OIF and open to all teachers of French. This educational site offers very diverse, up-to-date pedagogical resources.
  • BrainPOP français
    • Instructional videos covering a variety of academic topics in French.
  • Canotech
    • Whether you are looking for ready-made resources or guides that will help you create instructional materials, this site run by the French Ministry of Education has a lot to offer.
  • Éduthèque
    • The Ministry for National Education and for Youth Affairs manages this educational website that provides pedagogical, cultural and scientific resources.
  • Ethnologues en herbe
    • This website will help you create and carry an ethnographic study with your students! Advice, ideas and methods for you and your students to become French-speaking ethnologues en herbes. Ethnokids has had participants from all over the world!
  • Lesson plans : Francophone stories
    • Pedagogical resources built around teaching a variety of francophone stories.
  • L’OIF : La langue française à la maison
    • Compilation of educational resources.
  • Le Point du FLE
    • This portal aims to facilitate access to the best free web-based activities for learning and teaching French. There are sites for interactive grammar, self-correcting exercises etc., which can all be used for work in the classroom or for self-studies. NB: this website focuses on French as a foreign language.
  • Taleming
    • Stories and activities for children ages 6 to 10.
  • TV5Monde : Lesson plans
    • Lesson plans for children ages 3 to 12.
  • Tivi5monde : Lesson plans
    • Animated lesson plans for children ages 3 to 9.
  • Les tutos de Leo !
    • Tutorials on how to draw, paint, sculpt, model and even create origami! Appropriate for ages 3 and up.
    • Collection of workbooks for learning French. Put together by the Bay Area French Education Association, these resources offer a comprehensive method of French language learning for francophone children living abroad.

Learn more and keep up-to-date with francophone culture in the world. Below are links to general websites and websites that contain information on specific cultural activities. 


  • Africultures
    • An exhaustive website about Africa’s vivid cultural life. Find references to African cultural events, from conferences to TV documentaries on African life. Limited access to Africulture’s journal (must have a subscription)—a fantastic source of articles covering African culture.
  • A Literary Review from University of Pennsylvania
    • ENG. African Studies Center at University of Pennsylvania: Africa Access review of Children’s Materials. Find a vast array of children’s books in English.
  • Biennale de Dakar
    • Also known as Dak-Art, the Biennale de Dakar is a major contemporary art exhibition held every two years in Dakar. The event mainly features contemporary African art.
  • Conféderation Africaine de Football
    • The official website of African soccer. Includes news on the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.
  • Le Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou (FESPACO) 
    • Film festival taking place every two years in Ouagdougou. The festival features works by African filmmakers and their films produced primarily in Africa.
  • Le Festival Gnaoua et Musiques du Monde
    • Music festival held annually in Essaouira, Morocco.
  • Wobebli
    • Fables, tales, and cultural and anthropological information about African populations.



United States

  • France Today
    • ENG. France Today is an excellent source of information about Francophone events in the United States: festivals, exhibitions, conferences, concerts, films, literature, etc.

The following websites offer a variety of multimedia content well-suited to French language learners of all levels.

Film, TV, Video

Radio & Podcasts

  • RFI – Radio France Internationale
    • Radio France Internationale (RFI). Radio news reports in French suited for pedagogical use. Great opportunity to hear news reports in simple French language – ideal for learners of French. Online listening and downloadable audio documents you can save on your computer for use in class.
  • Contes de la Francophonie
    • Audio collection of stories from different francophone countries/.
  • France Culture
    • Vast selection of podcasts in French and on every subject imaginable.
  • franceinfo : Salut l’info !
    • French podcast about current events for children ages 7-11.
  • French avec nous
    • Collection of classic tales in French followed by questions to help support comprehension.
  • Okapi : ma vie d’ado
    • Francophone teenagers share their stories on a range of topics.
  • Podcast français facile
    • French podcast produced by an educational website. Selections are categorized by level.


  • BnF : Gallica
    • 150 French literary classics available free online. From Molière and Hugo to Dumas and Balzac, this site is a great resource for more advanced readers of French.
  • Bibliothèque Réseau Francophone Numérique
    • Digital library that includes Francophone books from libraries in Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Canada, Morocco, Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Haïti.
  • Boukili
    • Over 120 books in French for children ages 4 and up.
  • Hachette
    • Hachette FLE offers free access for three months to its online digital collection for adolescent youth.
  • Livres pour tous
    • List of over 6000 books in French available online for free.

The following organizations are all committed to the advancement of the global Francophone community. Many of them provide access to their own collection of resources devoted to education, culture, development and many other topics related to the Francophonie.

These are sources of daily news, articles, reports, forums, blogs, etc., pertaining to francophone countries. These websites will provide you with authentic francophone material that will help your students understand today’s world.


  • Jeune Afrique
    • One of the best reference sites of African news for adolescents. JeuneAfrique, a weekly magazine, publishes articles targeting a younger reading audience. By reading JeuneAfrique students will gain awareness of African political affairs.
  • Afrology
    • News regarding socio-economic, political and development issues affecting the continent of Africa.
  • TV5 Monde Afrique
    • News, reports, video, TV series with a focus on African countries.



  • L’Opinion
    • One of the principal sources of Moroccan daily news.


  • Canoë
    • ENG. Canadian news, culture and society, people, cinema, art and literature.



  • Grioo
    • Extensive news on African, Caribbean and French culture and society. World news from a francophone perspective. Biographies of important cultural and political characters throughout history.